Comp Master Outdoor Lab: The Perfect Solution for Computer Technicians and Computer Stores in Israel

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נא תאר תחום עיסוק

In an era where technology is at the heart of every business and home, the importance of fast, reliable, and professional computer repair service is unquestionable. This is where Comp Master Computer Lab comes in, offering exceptional service to computer technicians, labs, and computer stores across the country.

To view the dealer price list and regulations, click here (for those who have joined).

Collaboration with Comp Master: What does it bring you?

A. Extended Warranty:

Comp Master offers a 6-month warranty on motherboard repairs, giving your customers added peace of mind.

B. Special prices for dealers:

Enjoy specially discounted prices as a Comp Master dealer, allowing you to offer services at competitive costs.

C. Pickup and drop-off service from all over the country:

There is no need to spend time and resources on transportation – Comp Master provides pickup and drop-off services from any part of the country.

D. Unique treatment in an advanced laboratory:

All repairs are carried out in Comp Master’s advanced laboratory, with professional equipment and extensive experience in troubleshooting.

What can Comp Master fix for you?

  • Laptop repair including motherboards
  • Desktop Computer Repairs
  • Mac computer repair (iMac, Macbook, Mac mini)
  • Mini computer repair
  • All In One Computer Repair
  • Game console repair (XBOX & PS)

Ultimately, partnering with Comp Master can become a valuable asset to your business. It allows you to focus on what you do best – serving your customers, while we take care of all the technical aspects at the highest level. Contact us today for more information and start enjoying the benefits that Comp Master can offer your business.

After registering with Atzenlo as a dealer, you will receive access to the laboratory price list for dealers and receive price quotes via WHATSAPP.